Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Paducah

Yes, this is Monday Stuff. Yes, I know it's Tuesday. It's been a long few days...so behave yourself with the rude remarks, already.
    I left Sunday evening and drove 7 hours to Junction City, KS. Got there about 2 a.m., then started up again about 9. Went to Laura Ingalls Wilder's home in Mansfield, MO (Something I have ALWAYS wanted to do), then trudged on to my hotel in Paducah. Got here about 10:30 p.m. last night. 
    Slept in. Stopped to get my appraising assignments, then on to set up the booth on the AQS show floor in Paducah. (If you're here, as well, stop by and say hi! It's #3618, top floor near a corner.) Met appraiser buddies for supper, then spent the evening in the booth for "sneak preview." 
     And now it's past midnight...
    Tomorrow will be longer. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. in the booth. I'm sorry I was late posting -- but now you understand why.
   Beautiful spring-flowering trees, and actually quite pleasant here -- though we had a gullywasher of a rainstorm tonight, about suppertime. (I was just glad the restaurant patio we were eating at had a substantial awning.) I'll be here all week, working. 

Ten quickie cleaning hacks. Most have something to do with vinegar...

Eight people who should have gone down with the Titanic...but didn't.

The broke person's guide to decorating. Don't miss the reader comments -- they're great!  (From Apartment Therapy)

19 reasons to keep driving your old car. (From Cash Cow Couple)

Save enough to retire in your thirties? This couple did it.     Really, though:

Does retiring mean you HAVE to stop working? (From Mr. Money Mustache)

Investments of savvy celebrities.  Hmmm...anything we can learn from?

A grilled Elvis sandwich. Sounds weird...but the King loved it, and I'm betting you will, too. (From Who Needs A Cape)

A chicken report that's amusing and touching, at the same time. (From It's All Connected)

Lunch or supper -- in twenty minutes or less? Sure...with Betty Crocker. 

Test-drive your retirement. From yours truly, via Midlife Finance.

Have a great week. Stop by the AQS show if you're anywhere near... you'll love it!

No, this isn't Paducah...but it's lovely, anyways.

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But I LIKE Oysters...

  'Overheard a conversation about people talking about rich people and weird foods, and eventually they started talking about oysters.  ...